$250 for individual or couples hourly sessions, in-person or telehealth.
Insurance appointments can be booked through Emerald Behavioral Health at 541.224.7585;
Insurance: Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Carelon/Beacon, HMA, OHP Plus, Pacific Source, Providence, Regence, RGA, Trillium OHP, United, UBH, UMR.
Private Pay, please call 971.337.4442.
Office Address:
5901 S. Macadam Avenue Ste 100 Portland, Oregon 97239
In Person or Telehealth
Sometimes, life comes at us too fast, and it can take your breath away. In those times, it helps to know you are not alone.
I believe all people are unique and have had different experiences in life, and that is to be honored, especially while processing life’s challenges.
It is not possible to know how to handle all that life gives us, especially a traumatic event, losing a loved one or divorce. Life changes we did not foresee coming are especially difficult. If you want someone to walk on the path with you, we are here.